Thursday, February 9, 2012

Goals are good

I have been a little busy with the classes I am taking but it is really going extremely well, considering I feel like I don’t stop running. I feel like I am more productive…weird!! I guess no time to be lazy ;) I am going to do some major and long over due “Spring Cleaning” in the next few months, more so after my classes are all done.  I hope to be able to finish them early if possible. The end of the Semester is May 9th but I want to be done before Taylor's B-day. We will see how it goes. GOALS…GOALS…GOALS I have lots of them and I will achieve ALL of them…Just hope I can meet my expected time lines.

I think that has been my biggest problem over these past few years. I had achieved all my childhood dreams and did not make any new adult dreams. So now I have a few in my hat and will be striving everyday to push towards these, might I say, pretty hefty goals I have set for myself and my home. Not a lot of weight on the kids mostly me but their help is needed, as in them achieving goals that I have set for myself to have them be able to achieve. For instance being able to manage to keep their rooms, school assignments and hygiene managed, basically for them to grow up be self-sufficient adults. Not that I expect them to be perfect but that I have prepared them to be able to “Take Care of them selves” or to be semi stable adults.

I have seen the effects of several young children that have not been prepared or I feel like the ball was dropped at every important point in their lives. I know I have not been a very good parent. I feel that that was part of my floundering these past few years. I never thought of actually having a goal for raising my kids. I guess that is the problem that I keep having. I think things will just work out with out a plan but I the truth is you are just floundering unless you have a plan or a goal... an end in sight.

So do me a favor, set a goal so you don't waist a minute of your life floundering. Look at it often and remember the intent of this goal. See your self achieving this goal. What are you doing to succeed? How long will it take you to get there and what steps can you take to make this move forward on a regular basis? This is just a few things to help you with your goal. 


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